Personal information

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Musical information
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Yes No
Choice of plan
Residential orchestra workshop: full board/transfers/coaching and activites = 740 euros
Day orchestra workshop (NO ACCOMMODATION, limited places) = 442 euros (€272 workshop + €90 registration fee + €80 for 7 lunches and 1 dinner)
Additional workshop : Instrument workshop = 160 euros
Orchestra conducting workshop = 200 euros
Nota Bene : Payment of additional wordkshops has to be made on the day of arrival to the Musical Direction.
By sending this completed form, I authorise the processing of my data in accordance with the terms and purposes set out in the information on the processing of personal data published on the CMEF website (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 - RGPD). This data will be used exclusively for the processing and management of my son / daughter's registration and stay for the duration of the CMEF's program "International Simphony Orchestra Summer Academy".
I authorise the processing of my data in order to stay in touch with CMEF and receive special offers, announcements, and news.

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Attention! Fill all the required fields in order to proceed.

Thank you for sending in your application.

Jean-Jo Roux, International Youth Symphony Academy musical director course musical director, or Emmanuel André, professor, will promptly contact you via email or telephone to give you a reply depending on the number of available places for each instrument.